Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Once more into the breach.........

 Back into lockdown from midnight tonight.

I had an order to collect from Aldi, so a trip into town, I was very careful coming home down the Waltham Lane hill, All packed away. I was surprised there were not many cars in the car park, the lady who brought out my order said the store was quiet, they are rationing some things so people cannot walk out with bags full of toilet rolls etc.

I have put in an order from Morrison for 21st Feb, things I cannot get from Aldi.

I had a message back from the council yesterday, I have to sign the letter the chap will bring on Thursday when he photographs where the freezer will go, so just need to get Damien to come round and sort it.

DB has elected to have sausage roll with salad for supper, we have a couple of slices of cheese cake for dessert.

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