Monday, January 4, 2021


Once again we are on the verge of a total shut down, thanks to the idiots who fail to follow the guide lines set down by the government. I  just cannot understand why people insist that the virus is fake, its only too real. Personally I think the people who do not believe we are in a critical state should be taken to wards where people with this virus are fighting for their lives. The police should be given stronger powers and the army brought in to water cannon mobs!!

Yesterday was another quiet day, there is little change in the days. The cleaner is due this morning, she is having a cookery lesson.......I am going to make a pan of soup for lunches this week. I want to try and sort out Niblets quilt once and for all and get it started.

Bed stripped linen in the washer, it will go in the dryer and be folded up ready to go to be ironed along with the next load.

No idea about tonights supper, will have to go freezer diving.

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