Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Rain, rain and more rain

 The road from Clawson is flooded, no way to get through except in a lorry, so have put our repeat scripts in an envelope, and will post them, DB had a form to return as well.

It is not raining just now, but forecast for tonight and most of tomorrow and then snow!!! Brilliant. Its a good job we are under curfew. Apparently the flood as very bad in the city and around the county.

I have ordered the new freezer, had to pay more, but thats ok, its one that does not need defrosting. Its coming at the weekend. I am about to put a bomb under the electrician.........

Smoked haddock and poached eggs for supper, I made bread yesterday, so we will have a couple of slices of bread and butter with it. Very short on desserts so DB will have to have an orange.

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