Saturday, September 4, 2021

a bit brighter

this morning, have had enough of the grey day.

Off to the market to get fresh fruit and some salad stuff. managed to spend £20, but all good quality, and some will need a few days to ripen up.

Freezers sorted yesterday so I have more idea whats in them, enough meat to keep us going for quite a few days. Will have to use it up before I buy any more.

Went across to see my neighbour, she is quite a bit better, walking on her own, her son is there so she is eating ok, which is helping. Carers coming in 3 times a day, so using frozen meals she is getting by.  Next time I go over I will snaffle a couple of plates and do a couple of fresh meals for her.

Today we have all day breakfast, I am going to make a small bread and butter pudding for dessert, it will do us a couple of days. We mostly do not have a dessert during the week.

Time to go, soup is on for lunch have a frozen baguette to cook to go with it.

Still no sewing done. The sewing room is a bit tidier, but I still need to clear stuff to go to the charity shop.

The fence connected up to the arch at last, divides the garden off once I get the bushes etc in it will look very different. We will just let it age naturally. We watched a lovely dragon fly in the garden for quite a while, pity I had not got my camera, he settled for a couple of seconds on the door of the shed.

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