Sunday, September 5, 2021

Wots that???

the sun appears to have decided to grace us with its appearance this morning, it is certainly a bit warmer outside.

DB is out in the garden, 'tidying up', I could do with batting on with the same in the house. I am getting more and more irritated each day with mess!! Trouble is that some of it is of sentimental value, if I am going to part with some of that I need to gird my loins!!

Edwin has a full set of Rebus books in the bookcase, I have asked him to sort the bookcase out, which so far has met with a deaf ear. If he is not careful I will tackle it myself and he will find them missing. I have a set of the quilting story books. I have read them several times, they really need a shelf to themselves or find a new home. I also need to tackle the wardrobes in our bedroom and the sewing room. Having thoughts about quilting as well. I have a lot of those books in the back bedroom. I think most of them will have to go.

Supper is prepped, just have to cook it, roast shoulder of lamb, the last of the bread and butter pudding tp follow.


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