Friday, September 24, 2021

And relax

Cleaning finished for this week, starts again on Monday!! Cleaner is off on holiday on Sunday. 

It looks like we are ok, its a over a week and no signs of the dreaded lurgy, so I guess this time we have been lucky. My neighbour is fine too which is a relief.

Gardener is coming this afternoon, so I have to sort out the plants to go at the end of the fence on the left of the garden. There is cutting  back to do as well. If its not too cold I may well complete taking the geranium and fuschia cuttings so the pots can be emptied.

Watching Chelsea yesterday I realised that I can get 3 for the price of one, I need to plant the tulips at about 4 - 6 inches, then daffs and lastly crocus, that should see us through the spring, I will have to empty the pots for the summer flowers to go in, and the bulbs stored in the shed. I now need to get daff and crocus bulbs...... I should not watch Chelsea, I always see something I have to have!! The people I buy my clematis from had an arch in their display with not one but four clematis also came up on facebook.......aarrgghhhh!!

Supper, fish and chips, I have chicken thighs to cook, then I will make a rice pudding, it will last us at least 3 days......... 

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