Saturday, September 25, 2021


is here, the days are getting shorter, I am drawing the curtains and putting the light on around 7pm now. I hate the winter days when 4pm at the latest is the time before we shut the curtains, it makes such a ling evening.

Not sure why, I was in a bit of a grump yesterday........I did feel better after I had been out in the garden taking more cuttings, it was quite pleasant. The gardener put in some plants and cut down a load more. I have ordered more of the Strulch we put on the garden last winter, it did the job keeping the weeds and slugs at bay. Watching Chelsea one of the gardeners said to cut two bulbs of garlic in half and boil them in 2 litres of water, mash them down and then strain the liquor into a bottle, a quarter of a sprayer filled with the liquor and topped up with water, shake well and spray the leaves of plants like Hosta's, slugs and snails hate the smell so leave the plants alone........DB asked if that was how you got garlic snails!! Sorry........

DB is starting on the annual clear up the shed this morning. I am going to do the veg for supper and thats it. Feet up time.

I cooked some chicken thighs yesterday, used the air fryer to crisp the skin, it worked really well, we will have a couple tonight with veggies, there is rice pudding for dessert.

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