Sunday, September 26, 2021


Forgot I had a shower yesterday, had another this morning, so will have to make do with a couple of morning washdowns to get back into line.  DB can only have a shower every other day, he skin gets too dry if he showers more frequently.

Not sure what its going to do today, it seems cooler, DB says it will rain tomorrow so laundry may have to go in the dryer.

DB is out clearing a bit more of the shed.

I have actually pinned a piece of sashing onto GGD quilt, I am going to finish it ready to go to the quilter. I am still undecided what to do about the big embroidery machine. I feel that I need some inspiration what to do next. I did enjoy doing the plaque for Jenny last year.....may be need to go down that way again, although having it framed was quite costly.

Tonight supper is pork steaks, I am going to try roasting them in the Ninja and using the air crisp to finish them off. Usual roasted veg, I need to use up some milk so will make a creme caramel, it will do us for 2 nights.

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