Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Pelly wally sun

It rained yesterday until after I had dried the laundry in the dryer!! Then the sun came out. We have very pale sun this morning and boy, is it cold!! Winter drawers on!!

DB managed to finish sorting the shed, have not looked at it myself, his sorting and mine are two very different things. I took the Gtec to bits and cleaned it, I am ashamed, the filter water, after I had cleaned it, was black!! Note to self to do it once a month from now on. Will mark it in the diary.

We are waiting for a council workman to come and sort the toilet, the smell in there is horrendous, there is definitely a problem there.

I managed all four borders on the quilt yesterday, It is going to the lady who quilted Niblets quilt. I am going to post it to her. Maybe it will be done in time for Little Miss's birthday at the end of October. Now I need to concentrate on things for Christmas, I have decided that everyone is getting a set of 6 free standing lace tree ornaments, I can do two at a time, so 6 sets should not take me too long......fingers crossed.

I have taken salmon out of the freezer to cook for tonight, will have it with salad and a jacket potato, I have a really big one, half each will do us both. Crumble to finish.

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