Friday, September 10, 2021

So its Friday

again we did not get the promised rain, so unless it rains today I am back on watering duties again tonight.

Very bad night, last time I looked at the clock it was almost 5am......its a long time since I had that bad a night.

Need to run the Gtec over the carpets, cleaner is not coming next Monday, she is going to a funeral in Essex. The following week we are off to Skipton for 4 days including a trip on the Canal. We are staying on a farm.

It keeps clouding over, at least it is cooler than yesterday, a very muggy day, saps your strength. I went over to check my neighbour. she was having her lunch, the social worker has got her linked in with a lady who lives in the village, she started cooking lunches for various people in the village during lockdown. Thats one problem solved. She is walking a lot better, stronger now she is eating again.

Time to get on......need to raid the outside freezer and get bread and rolls in, DB wants a bacon sandwich at lunch time.

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