Saturday, September 11, 2021

Still no rain,

 although apparently the village up the top of the hill had a downpour yesterday afternoon, it passed over us without raining even a spot, so watering duties again.

Its is dull and cold this morning, typical cool autumn morning. DB is out planting cabbage and I am about to start a loaf of bread.

I needed to use some milk up yesterday so I made a rice pudding, took some over to my neighbour, whats left will do us tonight.

I need to put the bags of clothes etc in the boot of the car, DB is going to evergreen on Monday so I can drop them off at the charity shop. Perhaps then I can get on with the blessed quilt, tidy up the room and then decide where to go from there.

I need to shift more clutter, We ditched a lot when we moved, but it has caught up again, it has to go. DB is the worst culprit, I found seed catalogues from 3 years ago yesterday.

Right time to stir my stumps and get on,

Supper will be frittata and salad, I have some eggs I need to use up.

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