I have a load in the washer and another lot to do, it will have to go in the dryer, my energy levels are still very low.
A visit to the dental techie again this morning my plate is coming down heavy on my bottom teeth in 2 places, needs an adjustment. I also have to go in with my phone and get them to check a couple of things.
Tomorrow is coffee morning and I need to change the bed.
I am continuing to clear stuff out, have a load to go to the charity shop and I guess there will be a lot more yet, I put cardigans in a plastic box under the bed, but have discovered there is room for them in the drawer under the bed, so thats another job. I also need to tackle the book shelves in the sitting room they are a real mess. I have decided that the big wardrobe needs to go, will try and sell it otherwise it will go to the furniture warehouse. Then I will be ale to see the wood through the trees and sort out getting the bedroom decorated and turn the bed round. It means moving the TV, but so be it.
I think it will be egg and chips tonight, by the time time we get back I will be crackered again.