Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Grey skies again

I have a load in the washer and another lot to do, it will have to go in the dryer, my energy levels are still very low.

A visit to the dental techie again this morning my plate is coming down heavy on my bottom teeth in 2 places, needs an adjustment. I also have to go in with my phone and get them to check a couple of things.

Tomorrow is coffee morning and I need to change the bed.

I am continuing to clear stuff out, have a load to go to the charity shop and I guess there will be a lot more yet, I put cardigans in a plastic box under the bed, but have discovered there is room for them in the drawer under the bed, so thats another job. I also need to tackle the book shelves in the sitting room they are a real mess. I have decided that the big wardrobe needs to go, will try and sell it otherwise it will go to the furniture warehouse. Then I will be ale to see the wood through the trees and sort out getting the bedroom decorated and turn the bed round. It means moving the TV, but so be it.

I think it will be egg and chips tonight, by the time time we get back I will be crackered again.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Hung over

Yes, but not from booze!! driving almost 400 miles in 2 days has crackered me, so today I am doing nowt!! might also have a Nana nao at some point.

No cleaner this week, she managed to get a cheap short break, so I will Gtec the carpets, throw the duster around and the bed change can wait......its a grey day and rather chilly. No idea what happened to the wall to wall sun we were supposed to have last week. I know its cold, the thermostat on the boiler is turned down, but this morning the rads were warm, so the thermostat obviously agrees with me.

I am very concerned about Aimee, at two she should be walking well and running about, she crawls, and if you hold her up she will stand. Also she is still on soft baby food. Nothing has been said but SS has got 4 other children so he must realise there is something just not right. Years ago I made myself very unpopular with SS and partner when I insisted that they get their oldest son tested, he was being very disruptive in class and at times was very violent. Had they done what I asked K would have been diagnosed much earlier and been able to get treatment. As it was they waited until he was 12 before doing anything he was ?ADHD....and also had problems with dyslexia. I have decided to keep my mouth shut this time.......

Supper tonight will be hit and miss......I am having an easy day.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Home again

An excellent nights sleep, nice room and a lovely big shower room. We had scrambled egg on toast for breakfast, with orange juice and coffee, it was well cooked and very hot.

After breakfast we vacated our room and put the case etc in the car and then set off on a walk around the village. Our Hotel had originally been called The Wool Sack, it went through a number of name changes eventually becoming Longs Hotel, named after the chap who built it in the 16th Century. 

A lot of the village houses are Georgian as a previous Duke of Bedford decreed that all new houses in the village should be built in the Georgian style, and indeed they still are today.

The inn itself was a coaching inn and originally had just 2 floors and a thatched roof. The duke of Bedford who insisted that all new buildings in the village should be in Georgian style also had an extra floor built on and infact paid for it!! So it became a 3 storey building.

We saw what looked like a Church on the opposite side of the road.

We were informed that originally it had been a mortuary chapel, but had fallen into disuse. However thanks to various grants it has been converted into a very interesting museum and contained lots of information about the villages and its people through the ages.

A typical cottage kitchen.

Behind the weights is a very old sewing machine, for-runner of the singer treadle machine you can see in the first picture.

We made our way back to wait for our guests for lunch, we knew there were only to be 4 of us plus the baby. A lovely lunch, the chef took on board that two of the guests were on Keto diets and their meals came with that in mind. We enjoyed our stay and promised we would go back again.

Just after 2pm we set off for home, the M! was bust but no hold ups. We were glad we were going North, the South bound lane was blocked by what looked like a 3 car shunt and the traffic trailed back for miles....I was so glad we were going back the other way. Home again, a cup of tea and s sit down.

The birthday girl on the bouncy castle.

We got here ok.

A reasonable journey down the M1. Sophie and part of her family were already there, the rest followed at intervals. Aimee was asleep. The kids were having a whale of a time on the bouncy castle, needless to say I kept well away!!  Aimee enjoyed herself with one of her nieces. That sounds very strange, but her daddy has 4 grown up children, they are sisters and brother, so their children are Aimee' nieces and nephews. I am sad to say that Aimee appears to have a problem, she is very floppy and not walking. It is such a shame, such a pretty child.

We left just before 4pm to find out lodgings for the night, we got lost. Had a tour of the countryside to find where we are staying. A 16th century coaching Inn.

Enjoyed a hot supper and are now exhausted...........

Friday, August 27, 2021

Another aarrggg day

 awake early this morning, decided not to have a shower today but in the morning instead, then we will have another on Sunday night when we get home. I have no idea what to pack, tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and warm!! 

I have got to grips with my phone and have at last managed to sort out the problems with the camera's. I now have to get rid of something I really do not want, but it keeps coming up and I cannot see how to delete it.

Its another very cold day and grey, a few spots of rain this morning. Gardener has been and started to cut down the bushes etc in the garden, the green waste bin is overflowing!! DB has also laid out the slabs to join up with the paths up the garden.

I now have all our clothes in one wardrobe, they will be getting moved again next week. Then I can put the wardrobe up for sale. I am planning on having a big clear out after watching Nick Knowles new show last night. Our clutter is not as bad as that but bad enough and its time it went. Started a box to go to the charity shop, freed up 6 shoe boxes, no idea what to do with them, they were free when I bought an 8 drawer chest from Argos.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, I brought a packet of fresh peas and carrots from my neighbours, they are going out of date, so I will cook some and the rest will have to go in the freezer. There were also 2 chocolate sundaes which will be our dessert.

I may be absent tomorrow, depends how things go.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Another grey morning

It was so cold yesterday afternoon I put the heat on, DB complained he was hot!! Sorry mate if you are that hot, sit in the garden!!

Did not do much yesterday and today looks like being much the same, I just cannot raise any energy. Out of sorts with the quilt, I need to mackle together two small blocks to finish it, my brain just cannot cope with it.

I have to go back with my plate, my big back tooth is causing a problem, so next week will see me on my way back again.

I have just realised I ordered the wrong phone!!! aahhgggg, I am stuck with it for 3 years, it is bigger than my old one, but I still have problems with fat fingers. I have a feeling there is a stylus for it, may have to go down that route.

Supper tonight will be beef casserole and veg. The garden is still going mad producing beans, will look like one soon!! Have given a lot away. There is enough caramelle for tonight.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

What a grey day

although it is supposed to clear up.

My neighbour has been kept in hospital, her son will ring me when he knows more. She will not be pleased, but to be honest she should not have been allowed home in the first place. She might have been medically fit, but physically no way was she fit to be discharged.

We both have our new plate although I have to go back with mine, its hitting the back tooth a bit hard, so another trip in next week, will also go in and get my new phone sorted out at Tesco. I am giving notice on my old phone at the weekend.

Quiet morning, have sorted out sausage for supper tonight, DB is not happy with SS, he has taken the baby up to Dundee, Scotlands covid is running wild at the moment........

I am trying to sort out the last block for the quilt, I have almost run out of fabric, so am going to have to piece the last one, can only do it if I can concentrate so will maybe try and tackle it tomorrow. Then I can put the borders etc on and sort out some backing fabric, get it over to the lady who did the other one for me.

Sausage and mash tonight, some of the creme caramelle  left for dessert.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Another day, another dollar

Yesterday turned out to be very warm, this morning it is a shade of pale grey with the sun trying to get through.

DB went to evergreen, he is not in good books, he won 3 times on the bingo and also got a prize in the raffle. They have banned him for 3 weeks LOL. He isn't going for the next 3 weeks anyway due to previous commitments.

I parked the car at Morrison and did some shopping for things I forgot on Thursday. I managed to walk from M's up as far as the card shop, got a card for Aimee, dropped off my ring, gulp, and had a tea and cream cake in Greggs, then walked back. I was so glad to sit down before I tackled the walk back to the car. Nipped off and picked up DB.

My neighbour has been taken back to hospital this morning. She really was not fit to come home. I went in yesterday afternoon with some stuff for her, she was asleep...... I stayed till she woke up and chatted for a while.

Need to cut the rest of the meat off the chicken and sort out what to have with it, I might just do a cooked dinner with it, or a salad with a few new potato's. Going to make a creme caramel for dessert, it will do us for 2 nights, then it will be back to raspberry jelly.


Monday, August 23, 2021

Sun is shining

but for how long is something else, we had very heavy rain yesterday afternoon, it was bouncing up off the pavement.

Laundry in, hopefully it will dry on the line, if not the dryer will do the job. I have a white load for tomorrow too.

DB is at evergreens this afternoon, so I will park further down in the town and take my ring in to get the missing stone replaced, fingers crossed it does not cost the earth. I also need to nip into Morrison for coffee beans I forgot them at Aldi last week.

I fell asleep sitting up this morning after I took my nasty pill, so late getting up, cleaner is due this morning, so need to get a shuffty on.

Having egg and chips tonight, will use the chicken up tomorrow night.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Funny sort of a day

really could not settle, trying to order a new phone the website kept throwing me out, so I ordered it by phone, should come later this coming week.

We had rain yesterday, but not as heavy as was expected. Its a weird morning, heavy grey cloud, and then the sun comes out. I guess it will rain at some point.

I have decided that the wardrobe in our bedroom is going, its just too big, I can manage room for most of the stuff in the small wardrobe in our room and also the double wardrobe in the back bedroom. I need to sort out clothes, especially DB's shirts, a lot of them are too small for him, but will hang on to a couple as he is trying to loose some weight. I was puzzling what to do with my cardigans and jumpers, some can go to the charity shop the others in a crate under the bed, thats why I bought an iron bed!!

No sewing done, I am short of fabric, going to have to mackle one block up somehow. I doubt I can get the same fabric, its over a year since I bought the cup and saucer fabric.

We are going down to Milton Keynes next Saturday and staying overnight, treating SS's were to be in laws to Sunday lunch.......before we travel back.

Chicken for supper, veggies done and we will finish off the crumble.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Oh dear

We have a yellow weather warning for today, very heavy rain!! Something we could do without.

Nothing planned for today, the fence posts are concreted in we just have to leave them a few days and then we can sort out and fix the fence, job done. It will look a bit stark until it starts to weather, no plans to paint it.

Next job is to cut back the bushes and put in the plants we have. I need to take cuttings from the geraniums and fuchsia's ready for next year.

All day breakfast for supper tonight. I made an apple and blackberry crumble yesterday, it will last us today and tomorrow.

Friday, August 20, 2021

So a fine morning, here the sun keeps trying to get through, I have towels in the washer, hope to dry them outside.

We are going away next weekend, its SS's daughters 2nd birthday, so we are going down. have arranged to stay overnight and will take Louise's parents out for lunch before we come back on Sunday afternoon.

Gardener here this afternoon, posts going in this afternoon, the garden at the back is almost finished. Next year I will concentrate on the front garden. We need to start cutting back in the back garden next week. The baskets are down will start getting cuttings sorted ready for next summer. I am waiting for some plants to come. I am hoping to get the baskets planted up with pansies for the winter.

Usual Friday supper. I have made a blackberry and apple crumble for dessert.


Thursday, August 19, 2021

Late posting

I was concerned this morning that my neighbour was not up, fortunately she opened her curtains just as I was going out to go over.

Trip to Aldi to do the shopping, once back I went over to see how she was. She had tried to do too much yesterday and was not so well. Occupational Therapist came to see her whilst I was there and has assessed her for some help.

I was going to sew, but its too late now, so it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Phone call from SS Aimee is two on 28th, would we go down for her birthday, so I have booked an hotel for the night, we will go down on Saturday and travel back on Sunday.

Bit of a grey day with a slight breeze, DB is out in the garden tying up the raspberries now they have finishing fruiting, they need cutting down and the new shoots tying in.

Supper tonight is smoked sausage salad with jacket spud. No dessert.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Delayed washing today-

So laundry is on, its a dull morning and looks like rain, so its going in the dryer.

Yesterday was an ok day till we got to the dental technician, DBs dentures fitted ok, but my plate did not, so he took another set of impressions and is going to re do it, hopefully will get it in a couple of weeks time.

We saw my DGD in her shop, she rang her Mum and told her we would be down for lunch and a drink, so after completing the shopping we went down to see her and Niblet. K & G have a new dog, they had to have Harry put down some time ago. He was a golden Lab. the new puppy is a cockerpoo, 13 weeks old and very lively.

My neighbour was discharged from hospital last night, so I am back to keeping an eye on her, along with Tracie who cleans for her.

Coffee at the little chapel this morning, it will be nice to see friends again. 

I am hoping to do a bit more at that quilt, have 2 strips done, 2 more to go although I may put an extra blocks down the side and across the bottom depending on how much fabric I have left. Other wise it may be wide borders.

Supper tonight is the beef casserole and veggies.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Off on bit of a jolly

Its a very grey morning, we have had some rain, so no need to water pots.

We are having a bit of a jolly, I have to get a replacement slat for the side of the arch. We are then going on to the outskirts of Leicester to the big Tesco and also to get some anti histamine tablets and cream. I was bitten in the garden at the weekend, swollen arm, not to bad but bad enough. I have run out of tablets.

We plan to have a sandwich lunch and then go on to the dental technician to collect our new teeth. dentures for DB and a new plate for me.

Another row of the quilt done, fingers crossed I do not need anymore blocks to finish it.

Before we go out I am going to put some beef in the slow cooker. It will go in the fridge overnight and we will have it for supper tomorrow, so tonight it will be ding dinners.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Laundry day

the sky is a bit forbidding, rather grey, although DB tells me rain is not forecast. There is quite a breeze. He will be out in the garden later. We are trying to get rid of the clover in the back lawn, its proving rather difficult.

Cleaner here this morning, I need to nip over and draw back my neighbours curtains......no news from her son, might get a call today.

Not a lot going on just now, tomorrow we have to go and collect out new dental plates, so the bank account will be a bit depleted for a while.

I managed to get one line of the re-cut quilt together, will try and get another one done today, I may have to make up a couple of sets to make up for those I have had to leave out because they are not to size at all and cannot be cut down.

Supper tonight, egg, chips and beans, we will finish off the crumble.


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Tonights supper

A few weeks ago I cooked a largish beef sirloin. We had two meals off it and when it was cold I sliced it and froze enough for 2 suppers and a lunchtime sandwich.

So today I took out one of the packets of beef and defrosted it, wrapped it in foil ready to go ontop of the steaming veg. So here it is..

Roast beef, gravy made from beef stock, red wine, water from the veggies and thickened with cornflour. Potato's and butternut squash, roasted in the combi micro, cauliflower and green beans from the garden cooked in the steamer along with the beef wrapped in foil to reheat. For dessert we had more of the rhubarb and apple crumble. There is enough left for tomorrow night.

We do not often have beef, its usually pork, chicken or lamb. The beef was from a delivery I had from an internet butcher, reasonably priced and excellent quality. I am still using it up. The sausages in particular were scrummy.....made a superb sausage sandwich with brown sauce!!


Two things I have vowed not to do I have done. I said I was spending no more on the garden. DB informed me last night he needed 2 bags of farmyard manure for the veg beds. To be honest I also was desperate to get nippon to try and rid the garden of ants, red, normal and flying, they are doing a lot of damage to the lawns both front and back.

The other thing, yesterday I sat and undid all the blocks from 'that quilt' It is composed of 4 smaller squares, I have measured them and cut them down, despite me taking great care when I  pieced and re cut them I was horrified to find several of them were too small and several well over sized. So once I have finished cutting them down I will see how then look put together.

Prepped the veg for supper before we went out, so roast beef and veg, rhubarb and apple crumble for dessert.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Busy afternoon

yesterday, gardener came and this appeared in the garden.

The arch up and waiting the concrete, took the picture to make sure it was level. The wood was left in place all night to make sure the concrete was set, there was quite a breeze blowing.

It is still upright this morning. We just have to sort the fence panels and posts and it will be done. We propped a bit of the fence up and it looks good, you can see through it, but it breaks the length of the garden up, it also hides the difference in the type of grass.

M is coming to cut the lawn today, so he will be able to take the mower through the arch.

I have decided that Little Miss's quilt is going in the rubbish bin. I just seem to have a) to have lost interest and b) my quilting sense has gone out of the window, despite me being very careful cutting the blocks out they are not right. I think I have been away from quilting too long and making the one for Niblet has finished me off. I did contemplate taking all the blocks to bits and cutting them down, but in all honesty I just cannot be bothered. Will stick the smaller things, easier to make as well as embroidered stuff. I plan to do a set of lace angel wings for Louise's parents.

M is coming to cut the grass this morning, he passed his driving test this week, so is now saving to buy a car.

Nothing much else to report, its a sunny, but breezy morning. I guess DB will be out at some point. He managed to be out for almost all morning yesterday, dittering about.

Chicken casserole for supper tonight, I need to use up some green beans they are growing fast thanks to the rain.


Friday, August 13, 2021

Rude awakening

Telephone woke me up, we ordered 3 bags of postcrete yesterday to be delivered, 15 minutes......so a quick dip in the shower and dressed, just made it!!

Bright morning but a cooling breeze. Fitted up the new hose last night, the garden was sadly in need of water. The two hanging baskets are almost over, will take them down and empty them, maybe plant them up with pansy's for the winter.

My neighbour was taken into hospital yesterday, so I am back on opening and closing blinds etc and also plant watering. 

Gardener is here today, we need to get the holes dug for the arch and concrete it in, then we can sort out the posts for the fence etc, the grass needs mowing, it will be easier to do if the arch is up off the grass.

No plans for today, I am still feeling tired so not pushing it.

Usual Friday supper, fish and chips, with raspberry jelly for dessert.

Thursday, August 12, 2021


I hope not, we have only just got over the last one.

Enjoyed meeting DD2 yesterday and having a catch up on all the news. She has booked next years holiday, she is going to Majorca for 2 weeks. She has just renewed her passport. DGD is still loosing weight, back on normal food but very small portions.

DB had missed his siesta for two days, so went for an hour when we got home. I went over and took my neighbour the TV Choice which I get for her each week. She was eager to hear how things had gone on Tuesday.

Another week almost gone and no sewing done. I really need to focus and get my head down. Christmas is on the horizon.....I need to decide what I am going to make. 

We are going out this morning to get postcrete for the fence and arch, hopefully T will get the holes dug tomorrow and we can get the posts in.

It looks like being a very warm day, so quiche and salad for supper tonight. I made raspberries in jelly yesterday so we will have some of that for dessert.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Another warm day

 The sun is shining fit to bust this morning. Weary after yesterday, I was so glad it did not rain. SS asked me to speak to DB's sister (Mrs Bucket) he had not been in contact with her for a number of years, so I phoned last night. Was not looking forward to it, she has an old fashioned sense of what's right. History has taught her not to be so judgemental!!

Today we are meeting DD2 in town for lunch to celebrate my birthday yesterday.

I guess it will be a snack supper again tonight.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

A sad day

We left just before 10am for the journey down to Milton Keynes, traffic was bad going through Towcester, we just made it in time for the service.

The chapel was almost full, all our grandchildren and great grandchildren were there,  as well as a number of Louise's friends and family.

Louise's Mum came over to speak to us before the service, she was very grateful that we had decided to travel down. We were asked to join them after the service at the bun and coffee struggle.

A number of people spoke to us, Louise's Uncle, her brother, parents and the ladies we sat with. Colin also spent quite a while talking to his Dad.

Apparently Louise had a massive heart attack, although they did manage to restart her heart, the damage to her brain was irreversible, so the decision was taken to switch off the life support machine. So sad to see that a lovely lady should be cut down with so much to look forward to.

We left just after 3pm and arrived home at 5.15, the roads were busy but thankfully, no hold ups.

It has been a tiring day, but I am glad we made the decision to go and that the fact we had travelled down was appreciated by Colin and Louise's parents.

Colin, Louise and Aimee Grace.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Did it rain?

Yes, it was torrential, but disappeared as quickly as it had come. I need to inspect the pots on the patio and see hos badly they have been affected.

Its sunny and dry just now, quite a breeze, I have laundry in the washer hopefully it will dry.

DB is going to Evergreens this afternoon, they started again last week, I plan to go to Morrison and get the things I usually get from there. If I have time I want to put my ring in for repair.

No sewing will get done today, but tomorrow I must do at least the rest of the pink blocks and cut them. Then I have to do the green ones. I have cut the sashing strips ready.

Supper tonight will be cold lamb with a small salad and a jacket potato. We are eating fresh fruit for dessert.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Rainy day

We woke to rain this morning, lots of black clouds scudding about the sky, but so far, thankfully, no thunder. The garden badly needed rain, although I still have to water the baskets under the overhang of the roof.

Nothing planned for today, I am getting myself wound up about Tuesday, strange place, people we have not met before, not my ideal thing to do especially on my birthday.

Last night I discovered I had lost a stone out of my ring, I was aware I had caught one of the claws, but did not realise the stone had come out. We did have a look for it, but no joy. At least its one of the smaller ones, not the central diamond I lost some years ago, it cost a small fortune to get a new one put in.

Supper tonight, roast lamb, veggies, we will have fresh fruit for dessert.

Saturday, August 7, 2021


but my goodness its windy, good job I have a load in the washer.

DB has lost a few pounds, he is now under 12 stone, I hid the scales because I knew he was weighing himself each morning.

The chap came and finished the wall in the sewing room, he also put the bed back for me, phew that was no easy, its quite heavy. The machine boxes are back under the bed, I dusted them off before I put them back.

The gardener came, he finished weeding the front, we had a walk round the garden, we need to do quite a bit of pruning, starting with the clematis and rose on the fence and working our way up the garden.We put the big pots on the movable bases I got for them, they lock so they will not move.

Card received from my friend in the USA, thank you Barbara!!

Supper tonight is all day breakfast. No dessert.

Friday, August 6, 2021

We are promised

Rain, judging from the colour of the sky, sooner rather than later.

Message from step son yesterday Louise's funeral in next Tuesday, so we will be travelling down for it. Not a happy way to spend my birthday. Had to re arrange a couple of things. We will be going for lunch with DD2 on Wednesday instead.

I doubt the gardener will come today if its raining, no point getting soaking. The weeds will have to wait another week.

I made the chicken and leek pie yesterday, was not impressed with the bought pastry, will have to suffer and do it myself the next time.

No plans for today, the chap is coming to finish the job in the back bedroom, then we have to put it back and get the cardboard out from under our bed and back under the day bed. The box for my embroidery machine is massive.

The usual fish and chips tonight, I have some mince I want to cook to make spag bol, once its cooked I will refreeze it. 

Thursday, August 5, 2021


I managed to mis-read the clock this morning, thought it was 8.15, No it was 7.15, so an early start for both of us. We were on our way to Aldi before 9.00. Grocery bill was half of last months.

We stopped on the way home for a coffee at the garden centre. I had wanted to see the chap to ask him what one of the plants he had used in the basket was, so pretty. Unfortunately he was out. will have to wait for the next time.

Nice morning but the wind is getting up, we are forecast bad weather in the next couple of days, high winds and torrential rain.

I rang the chap at the council yesterday, he called in to look at the new fence and arch we are proposing to put up. He told me we did  not need permission for that, but he was pleased we had asked!! Brownie points to me.

Shopping put away I cooked the chicken and leeks for a chicken and leek pie for tonight. We will have it with veg.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

And again

more laundry in the washer, towels this time. DB drove me crackers last night looking for a navy T shirt, I invited him to look in the laundry basket, just whites in there for later this week. He searched the wardrobe and the drawer under his side of the bed.......no tee shirt..... found it this morning still in the washer, I missed it yesterday when taking out the clothes to hang out. Its on the line now and he has a different tee shirt on this morning.

Iy has been quite cool the last few days, I had reverted to trousers, this morning the sun is out, its coffee morning at the little chapel, so a skirt and top this morning.

unable to do any sewing as the bedroom is still in a mess......will put it back on Friday once the paint is dry, then I have to sort out and finish Little Miss's quilt, her birthday is coming up fast.

No idea whats for supper, need to have a rummage and see what we have in the freezers.

A little excitement this afternoon, our front door went and there was a fireman on the door step, checking the smoke alarms.

This was parked at the top of the cul de sac!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

More Laundry

I have a large load of coloureds in the washer and another load to go in, its a sunny morning so it should dry.

No news re L. they were doing a second PM.....

Chap came and filled in the holes in the back bedroom, he is coming back on Friday to sand it off and paint it. He also managed to open the kitchen window and put a new handle on the bedroom window, so all done. Very nice chap. I have left the bed where it is, no point moving it back till its done.

The library van came with books, from next month we will be able to go on the van and pick our own books, we can also request books from the library as well. The chap thanked us for supporting the system during the lockdown.

Cooking salmon this morning, we will have salmon salad tonight, need to scrub a few little new potato's. There is enough left for a small portion of crumble.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Not a good start

Phone call just after 8am, chap coming to do the wall had phoned in sick, however they have found someone else who will come this afternoon. Means I will have to struggle to get the bed put back tomorrow rather than have my cleaner help me do it.

Cleaner due this morning. Laundry in the washer, should get it dry outside.

It is supposed to be warmer today, I spent all yesterday evening wrapped in a fleece blanket.

Need to do a freezer dive for tonights supper, I really need to have a good rummage in the freezers and put them in some sort of order.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Where has this year gone?

Pinch an' a punch for the first of the month. August already, this year seems to be zipping by.

We had quite a bit of rain overnight, DB's rain gauge looks to be almost a quarter full. Its a grey morning and very cold. I have a fleece on.

I managed to clear the boxes etc from under the bed, they are under our bed just now and I have moved the bed so the plasterer can get to the back wall, will have to put it all back tomorrow after he has been. The cleaner is here in the morning so she will help me put it all back and I will then make myself finish the blocks etc for Little Miss's quilt. Time is marching on.

I took roast beef out of the freezer for tonights supper, roast potato, butternut squash, cauliflower and green beans with it. No dessert as yet. I do have some apples, might do a small crumble.