by mid morning the sun was blasting down, hardly a cloud in the sky.
DB spent an hour in the garden in the morning and we were both out with the gardener. The big border has been weeded and some more plants put in. I have several plants in the grow house which need sorting ready to go in next week. We will be sorting out the pots to plant up next week as well, I am using a mix of compost and feed. I took some cuttings from a neighbours snowball hydranga last week, left them in water on the kitchen window cill, two of them had started to put roots out, so they have been potted up, put in a poly bag and are in the shade will leave them about a month, make sure they are showing signs of growth before they get potted on.
We are nipping into town this morning, I need some ericacious feed for some of the plants, I did the two azalea yesterday but need some for the other lime hating plants we have. Our soil is heavy clay, you could make dinner plates with it. The herbaceous border had a layer of strulch on it, It does keep the weeds and also the slugs and snails off the plants, the delphiniums and lupins are going great guns.
The slug pellets we used to use have now been banned, we will have to find something else to keep the slugs etc off the veggies.
Tonights supper is ADB, need to get the gammon steaks out of the freezer. I cooked some rhubarb yesterday we will finish it off tonight for dessert.