Thursday, December 31, 2020

December 31st

On the brink of a new year and back in lockdown. I have to agree its the only way to get on top of this virus which is mutating and causing so much anguish. We have been in lock down mostly since the end of February, we managed to get out a couple of times, but mostly spent the time at home. We have to hope that the two vaccines will eventually bring an end to the misery.

So many people have been thoughtless in their behaviour, not social distancing or wearing masks, putting themselves and others at risk, the attitude was 'it wont happen to me!' so we all have to pay for their thoughtlessness and selfish behaviour.

I hope that 2021 is a better year for us all. My plans for having the bedroom decorated will have to be put off unless we come out of shielding at the end of January..........I have ordered the bed, so we will have to let that come and sort it out when it does arrive. The rest will have to wait. 

My cleaner will not be able to come either as there is no mixing, she helps her mother, so the risk of cross contamination is there. We will have to manage ourselves.

Supper tonight will be sausage and mash with veggies. we have two small cheesecakes for dessert.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Almost the end of a annus horribilis

As a certain person we all know really has not been a good year for anybody; and its not over. I have a feeling that Covid is going to be with us for a long time yet.

We have managed ok ourselves once I got a slot for grocery deliveries, we have been out a few times but always with masks and hand sanitizer. It looks like we may well be shot into group 4 today, the numbers are going up again. 

I have to say I am not surprised when you remember back to the scenes in the bank holidays and the crowded beaches........we are reaping the  fall out now. I saw a picture in the newspaper of the crowds in Oxford Street before Christmas, no face covering and no social distancing.........

One thing that did please me this morning, anyone coming to the UK from abroad will not be able to claim benefits for 5 years. We could not do that under EU rules and it is the one thing which has been abused for so long. It has been going on for decades..........

Enough.......I had a better night last night but then I was exhausted. I have found someone to do the ironing for me, bed linen only.....I just cannot stand long enough to iron the huge quilt covers and sheets. I did the duvet cover and sheet yesterday, had to sit down and recover before I could tackle the sheet. I have tried sitting down to iron, just cannot get on with it.....feels alien.

DB continues to make progress, he is now going his normal 'household duties' as he calls them and has been out to the garden on a couple of occasions. I am so hoping we get a year when he is not in hospital!! 

Supper tonight cauliflower and calabrese gratin with jacket spuds and baked tomato........ we are eating mince pies for dessert just now.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


We have snow, it had started snowing in the early hours and has snowed on and off since then. It stopped briefly but has started again and its settling even on the wet roads. Supermarkets have canceled deliveries, so some people are not going to get their groceries. Good job I have an emergency stock. I am not planning another shop until Jan 7th.

Yesterday was another quiet day spent mostly reading, I still have not done the ironing.......I just do not seem to be able to work up the energy. 

A very bad night, it was late when the light went out and I just could not get off to sleep, when DB got up at 8.45 I was spark out, so he brought my breakfast through.

Ordered a new pot for the PKP, my cleaner has asked if she can have it, should be here by Thursday. I guess I will have to teach her how to use it

Have spag bol sauce cooking for supper tonight, all the Christmas food except the mince pies and stollen has gone. We will have a mince pie for dessert tonight. There is cheese to use up so lunch will be cheese and biscuits and fresh fruit.


Monday, December 28, 2020


So we are in the run up to 2021, what will next year bring?  Change on a lot of fronts I think. Getting used to new rules now we are no longer in the EU, and coping with the covid mutations which now seem to be coming along.

Neither of us has had the vaccination, I am not sure if I will get it as I am allergic to quite a few things, especially bites and stings, time will tell I expect.

A quiet day yesterday, I have 2 library books to read before next Monday when the mobile library comes. I also have a couple of books on my tablet to read, but I will get round to them.

We finished up most of the Christmas food. I have enough sliced turkey in the freezer for one main meal, there is cheese and pork pie left and also 12 mince pies and part of a stollen which we will have to eat, possibly will have the mince pies as a dessert, I have a small panettone to make a bread and butter pudding.

The washer is on, clothes will go in the dryer, its a damp cold morning. I woke just after 7am to take the dreaded Monday medication, put on a cardigan, pulled up the quilt, put on the electric blanket and settled down to read the news on my Tablet.

Cleaner is due this morning, the house is not too bad, DB has done his usual round of the bins and emptied them into the recycle bin.

I still have a sheet and quilt cover to iron, will do them this afternoon when DB has his siesta.

A simple supper has been requested, so egg, chips and beans by request of DB. There is a tiny bit of trifle left which he will have, I may well just have fruit.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Back to normal??

At least I had a decent nights sleep after 3 bad nights I  needed it. I was just dropping off on Christmas night when DB announced he had palpitations!! I reminded him what the consultant had said and told him to go to sleep, which he did, me? I laid awake till well after 3am.

Thankfully the palpitations had stopped by the time DB woke. He made us breakfast in bed so late getting up. A quiet day reading and watching recorded programmes. We had egg on toast at lunch time and I did a plate of cold meat, cheese, rocket and salad for supper, with strawberry trifle for dessert.

We watched TV in the evening, retired to bed to watch Dunkirk, by which time I was shattered, so corried down and went to sleep.

Usual Sunday brekkie, so once again late getting up.

My neighbour rang to say her smoke alarm was going off and would not stop, went across, I knew it was wired in to the electric, but even turning the switch off had not stopped it. I had rung our neighbour at the back who is an electrician. He came round and discovered that it was not the alarm, but an alarm clock on top of the microwave!! It turned out that the clock in B's kitchen had stopped and she had brought her bedroom alarm clock into the kitchen, she must have pushed the alarm button on, so when it reached the set time it went off. No wonder I could not get it to stop, so after a bit of a laugh, I put a new battery in the kitchen clock, returned the alarm clock, with the alarm turned firmly off to B's bedside table and came home. Enough excitement for one day thank you.

Supper tonight is sliced  gammon and turkey, jacket potato's and tomato and celery salad with trife for dessert.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

What a wonderful day - not

Neither of us were on top of the world yesterday, the medication The Dr gave me did not suit me, too high a dose I suspect, so very little sleep Christmas Eve into Christmas day.

We woke to a  very cold but sunny morning, did not rush to get up, but had breakfast in bed and read for a while.

We had a quiet day on the whole.

  Lunch DB had started to eat before I got a chance to take the picture, smoked salmon and cream cheese rolls on a bed of rocket and cucumber...... with a squeeze of lemon juice..... delicious. A lunch we often had at Christmas when we were living in Scotland.

 Yesterday I prepped all the veg except the parsnips and put them in bags in the fridge, so not much prep to do for supper, we had Roast turkey breast, roast potato's and parsnips, brussels and cauliflower, with gravy made from the roasting juices. Cranberry and horseradish sauce and creme brulee for dessert.

I managed to take this photograph before DB attacked it!!

So a very enjoyable supper, and it was hot, if you remember last year we ended up with cold Christmas lunch......due to timing issues, not mine I might add!!

So we settled down for an evening watching selected programmes on TV.

My thoughts went back to Christmas's when the children were still at home, there would often be 10 or 12 at the table sometimes even more. How I managed to cope I really do not know, but cope I did. It did take a long time for me to get used to cooking for 2........when the children eventually left home.

So thats Christmas 2020, one can only hope that next year is a better year all round.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas Eve

It did not stop to rain yesterday, I had to go out to get medication from the Chemist and the roads were partially flooded. A lorry passed me going so fast the water sloshed over the will be worse by now. Thankfully it has stopped now, the sun is shining, very low in the sky.

My neighbour rode to my rescue yesterday and sorted the problem with the chair.....its all up and working now and he has taken my old one to put in the tip at his work. I was so glad mind you when I sat on the chair in the fully up position, my feet did not touch the floor!! It is also more comfortable than the old one, and I do not skid off the seat.

Today is Christmas Eve, I have never felt less Christmassy in my life, I think I am getting like Victor Meldrew from the TV programme, he was a grumpy old man, I guess I am a grumpy old woman!! Mind you having been in isolation since March has not done me any favours.

As usual it will be a quiet day, will prepare the veg for tomorrow, DB has picked out programmes to watch on TV.

We will have fish for supper tonight, with fresh fruit for dessert.

My sincere wish is that everyone has as happy and peaceful Christmas as possible and I pray that 2021 will be a better year for us all.

Its raining

It forecast rain and it is. pouring.......There are warnings out for flooding as the rain is to be heavy and sustained, just wonder what else can happen to dampen the Christmas spirit!!

We are ready, my cleaner called in yesterday with a lemon for our smoked salmon and rocket salad lunch on Christmas day, we will have our main meal early evening.

It would appear that the mutated covid virus is in Leicestershire according to the local paper. DB is due to get the vaccine as he is 87, no sign of it happening yet. The medical practices in the area have opened a vaccine centre in a local sports hall and are calling people as and when.

So the two parcels arrived yesterday, one was the new chair for my sewing room which I started to put together, have managed to miss a step out and now cannot release the chair back from the seat to alter it......that will teach me. Have had to appeal for help.

Call in the the GP have the wretched UTI back again.........just when I do not need it!!

Nothing going on today, DB has been going through the TV Choice to sort out what to watch over the Christmas period, to be honest most of it is repeats.

Supper tonight is sausage and mash, we have finished the crumble so it may be cheese cake.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

cold morning

Its a fine but cold morning, the sun is out, but we are promised rain later. The roads are partially flooded.

Have been playing postman this morning, cards round the neighbourhood, I managed to get some from Aldi yesterday, Note to self to get more to keep in stock.

My cleaner has just been with a small panetone and a the smoked salmon and rocket salad is saved for Christmas day.

Load of laundry in, it will go in the dryer. DB has just gone out to pick up the cat excrement from the front lawn, its our neighbours cat uses all the gardens round except its own........its disgusting especially if you get it on the mower.

Supper tonight is smoked haddock and poached eggs. The last of the crumble for dessert. We will finish off the soup with some toast at lunchtime.


Monday, December 21, 2020

so we are ready

 Apart from the lemon I forgot for our smoked salmon and rocket salad Christmas lunch!! We are having our turkey in the late afternoon.

£77 spent, I was at the shop by 7.45am. DD2 met me there and we exchanged presents. Granddaughter is doing very well after her op, she is now having soft food and is loosing weight. I did my shopping and got home around 9 am. It took ages to put everything away, the fridge and freezer are both full. Some of the veg is hanging up in the shed it will keep fine until I want to use it.

Cleaner has been, left us a present, she has taken hers, she will be surprised when she sees the runner which she has been admiring since I made it.  I made one for her Mum for Christmas with trees on.

I have a new chair for my sewing machine coming tomorrow. I have to put it together, but apparently its not too hard to do.

Supper tonight is fritatta and salad....there is rhubarb crumble for dessert. I used the liquor from the gammon I cooked on Saturday to make  lentil and bean soup, there is enough left for lunch tomorrow.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

So its Sunday

Usual Sunday breakie, we finally made it into the shower just before 10am, both reading, warm and comfy.

Its a clear day, bright and not too cold. DB has dug up a root of rhubarb for DD2, she is coming over tomorrow to drop off some pressies. Also have some onions for my cleaner to grow on.

I am getting up straight after the 'horrid medicine' in the morning and going into do my shopping at Aldi in a bid to miss the crowds, they are opening at 7am all this week. I have quite a long shopping list, has to last at least 2 weeks. They have reduced Christmas veg to 14p, as they do most years.

I had a message from the lady who bought the hideaway table, she sent me a photo of her machine on it........gave me a nice comment on ebay too.

We ended up having chicken and rice with fresh fruit for dessert last night. I had cooked the gammon joint, made soup and cooked the chicken, half for supper and half for the freezer. I was quite shocked at the size of the chicken breasts from Aldi compared to the ones I had been getting from Sainsbugs and Morrison, they were almost double the size and half the price. The gammon has been sliced and 3 lots of 2 portions in the fridge, enough for supper tonight and some for sarnies left out. Veggies done. Just have a rhubarb and raspberry crumble to do.

Nipped over to see my neighbour and take the Christmas presents, I came back with a bag full for us.

I feel for my cleaner her family live in Essex, she was going down to spend a couple of days with them......thats all off now, she will not see her grandchildren at all. However, I do think that it was right to put in an extra tier, reports that the virus mutation is travelling more swiftly than the virus itself needs to be addressed. I was shocked yesterday to see, on tv, people in Oxford Street, not observing social distancing and a majority not wearing masks. I really wonder if its ever going to go away.


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Another day another dollar

The machine table was sold last night, I hate the new Ebay I find it very confusing. I accepted an offer £5 below the asking price as the person is coming to collect it, so thats 2 things over 2 days.

The cash will go in the pot to pay my cleaner, saves me having to go out to the PO. I had a big credit card bill this month, so after the holiday the padlock will be on the purse until at least February.

Up early, have taken DB breakfast in bed, lady is coming for the table around 10am, so want to be up and at 'em.

Its a fine morning, forecast is for rain, rain and more rain, they are warning that there will be flooding.......oh great joy.

I have a gammon joint to cook today, we will have some of it for supper tomorrow, the rest I will freeze. Plan to make soup with the liquor, possibly lentil.

We spent a quiet day yesterday, I pottered a bit in the sewing room, I need to fold up the cardboard that was protecting the table top, it will come in useful for packing things. I am gradually going through what I have and sorting out what I no longer need. I also need to get on the ball and buy fabric to finish Niblets quilt, I have sort of promised it for his birthday in March.

So thats it for today folks, back tomorrow..........

Friday, December 18, 2020


I spent most of yesterday sorting out the sewing room. The table has its legs on and is in its new home with the Janome Atelier on, much more room to cut out now. I have put the bits back on the back of the table, they will go 'up one' when the shelves are fitted. The hooping board is stored under the table so I can easily get at it. The drawer unit holds things I use on the Janome machine.

New table 36" cutting  mat fits nicely with my Janome machine on the end, storage underneath, There is still a bit of tweaking to do, but it will have to wait. I have to sort out Christmas presents and wrap them. The chair is a fold up one we bought as a spare dining chair, its a bit low, so I need to source a deep cushion for it.

Stellaire on the old cutting table it fits nicely and plenty of room at the back for the largest hoop. Again storage underneath. As it is an embroidery machine it has no foot pedal so room for stuff underneath at the back as long as I can still pull the chair in. I have used parcel tape to secure the vibration mat to the table so it does not move.

The chap from the garage came to took the car for several test runs, could not hear the noise we heard on Tuesday, so the car is back. Will see what happens when I go to Aldi on Monday.

I have also cleaned the steamer I sold, so its all ready to go when the lady comes, had a couple of enquiries about the hideaway, but nothing concrete as yet. I really do want to get rid of it out of the way.

I have had a late offer for the hideaway, lady lives in Leicestershire, so hoping she will be able to collect it. I may well accept the offer if she can.

Usual Friday supper fish and chips, I will use up a stale teacake and made a bread and butter pudding.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Sunny but cold

Table arrived late afternoon, I have to unpack it and put the legs on, no problem, just then need to put it in position.

I also sold my Polti steamer, lady collecting it tomorrow, need to get the bits in from the shed and give it a good clean. I have everything in a bag.

So a fine but cold morning, electrician came to the wet room fan, all ok.

Today will be a biting and bobbing day various things to do. Once I have the sewing room sorted I have some ironing to do.

Supper tonight, spag bol, no dessert, we finished the chocolate sponge last night.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Busy couple of days 16th December.

Yesterday 15th December, we went into Leicester to pick up a new monitor for DB, it records from his pacemaker as needed and transmits at night. I also picked up 3 large plastic crates from Argos at Sainsbury. We bought 6 clematines from the fruit stall at the hospital.

Today the table is due to arrive. I need to put my fold away table on the internet, its heavy, no way I am sending it by courier, it will have to be collected, once I have sorted everything out I will take a photo of the new layout. The Brother Stellaire will be much steadier and there is more room at the side on the old cutting table. I could do with D putting up my shelves, I will be able to get a lot of stuff onto them out of the way and there will be room for crates under the table.

I have packed wadding from the wardrobe into one of the new crates, I need to get at the book shelves to get the wadding that is stored on there. At the moment there is a load of stuff in the way, no point moving it until the new table is in.

Last night supper was beef burgers, jacket potato and baked beans. Using up stuff from the freezer and fridge. Chocolate sponge for dessert.

Tonight its belly pork casserole with veg and the remainder of the chocolate sponge for dessert. The sponge is quite decadent its enough for 4 so I split it in half, does us two nights.


Time flies by

Its 5 years ago today since I got the phone call from my youngest daughter to say that Nicholas had passed away at 45, leaving 4 children and a grand daughter. No one should have to go through what we went through as a family.

Time passes and the hurt gets less but the memories never today we think of Nick and are thankful for the things he did for us, especially when we moved house. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Wots that I see?

We have a bright sunny morning, there has been a forst, our pavement is white. Went out to read the meters, lovely and fresh, such a change from the rain and cold.

Cleaner is here this morning, load in the washer, it will be going in the dryer, there is no breeze, so the washing will not dry. This time next week I will be at Aldi getting our Christmas provisions. I will be going into the shop rather than collecting an order.

We had a relaxed day yesterday, although I did make a start moving stuff round to get the new table in when I have got the legs on.

Tomorrow we are going to collect DB's monitor for his pacemaker and return the old one, that will take up most of the morning. I can nip into the shopping centre and top up the car with fuel as well Tesco's fuel is always cheaper and its on the way.

Hoping to do a bit more moving round this morning, I need to take both machines down, so will get my cleaner to help me do that. The brother is very heavy even with the embroidery unit off. Once the new table is in, all the stuff thats been shoved in odd corners will go under the table.

Supper? no idea although I might just do egg and chips for quickness. We finished the cheese cake last night so will possibly have one of the small christmas puddings between us tonight.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Still raining

It has not stopped raining all morning, very grey and wet, glad we have not got to go out.

We have a busy few days coming up. Tuesday I have to drive into Glenfield Hospital to collect a monitor for DB. Wednesday, the new table is due for delivery, so I need to sort out the sewing room tomorrow, I want to get it in place asap; and Thursday the electrician is coming to the bathroom fan which does not appear to be working properly.

We were late up again this morning, it seems we sleep longer in the dark mornings, I woke at 8.45 am to get our Sunday breakfast.

I see that Boris is going to hold more talks, what a waste of time and breath, just do and and come out with No Deal, we all know that is the most likely senario.

We have roast lamb for supper, cheese cake for dessert.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Rainy Day

Very dank and grey this morning. We both had a bad night, it was 3am before I put out the light I made bacon butties and  coffee, we had breakfast in bed and have just got up........10.45am.

We enjoyed yesterdays lunch, we have the puddings left, will have one tonight and one tomorrow, finish them up.

I need to do some clearing up in the sewing room and have a bit of a move round. The bigger table is due to be delivered on Wednesday, I will have to put the legs on, but that should be ok. I will sew up Lille Miss's cushion before I start to take the room to bits.

I have to go into Leicester on Tuesday to collect a monitor for DB and return the one he was given when he had to loop put in. So thats Tuesday accounted for. WE also have the council coming to look at the extractor fan in the bathroom, it is not switching on and off as it should.

Not much happening today, a quiet day. Possibly fish and chips for supper, need to see hoe much fish I have in the freezer.

Friday, December 11, 2020

What a lunch it was too


Our lunch table ready to start.

Barry handing DB the plates for us and our neighbour.

Here comes our first Christmas lunch!!

The plates had turkey, pigs in blankets, roast potato's and parsnips, peas, carrot and swede mash, stuffing. We were handed a bag with gravy, custard, |bread sauce, mince pies, mint chocolates, Christmas pudding, crackers and 2 apple drinks in.

Barry is a very resourceful person, the trailer with the heated cupboard is one that is use for providing a hot meal to rescue workers etc.

We ate our lunch,  saved the pudding for Christmas day. The mince pies and chocolates we will have after our very late tonight supper, possibly after cheese and biscuits.

I had taken in our neighbours lunch, she had gone to the hair dressers, so I took it over to her when she got she did not miss out either. 

Christmas Lunch day

 Well, if nothing else you have to acknowledge the ingenuity of the trustee of the little chapel. As we cannot have our usual Christmas lunch at the chapel due to the covid restrictions, he has borrowed a heated trailer and is going to deliver a hot Christmas lunch to the over 60's in the village!! He is a remarkable man, does so much for the village. He has been busy during lockdown collecting repeat prescriptions, doing errands and keeping in touch. He phones to see if people are ok or need anything. He deserves a medal!!

It was raining when we woke, but appears to have stopped and there are flickers of sunlight, I guess its not warm out we still have the wind.

Haircut yesterday, quite a chat with the hairdresser, feel better now my hair is shorter.

I received a message from France this morning, the parcel arrived all in one piece, it has been unpacked and the glass is fine, phew!! it is now being re-wrapped and will be given to Angels Mum on Christmas Day.

I was sad to see that Dame Barbara Windsor had passed away, she fought a very brave battle with dementia over the past 6 years. Her husband looked after her for most of that time. I think she will be mostly remembered for the 'carry on' films she made, possibly one in particular.........and her association with the Kray twins.

No supper needed today, think we might just have crackers and cheese later.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

So Almost the end of another week

Another grey morning and its quite cold, DB pulling the quilt up in the night saying he was cold, I am not surprised he was sleeping with his shoulders out of the duvet. he is complaining this morning he has the idea how he can have got a cold, but its an excuse for him to swallow paracetamol like sweeties!!

I have an appointment to get my hair cut at lunchtime, I look like the wild witch of the west...... I am going to ask her to cut it quite a bit shorter, especially at the back.

I had a frustrating day yesterday, decided to do the embroidered panel for Little Miss's reading pillow, it took 4 attempts to get it done, even then it was not perfect, but its done, just have to put the pillow together.

News this morning is not good, its time Boris stopped faffing about and just said goodbye.....I know 'no deal' will have implications but coming out with a deal would also have a negative effect. It is well known that the French are not over fond of the UK, but they need to remember large numbers of people from the UK have relocated to France and renovated properties that otherwise would have fallen down. These people put millions into the French coffers each year in taxes and spending in other areas; as do the tourists who holiday there.

No plans for today, apart from going up to the PO.

Supper tonight, chicken pie with veg. Possibly cheese cake for dessert.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 Not so cold this morning but its windy which makes it feel colder.

Quiet day yesterday. We were up earlier this morning after a better nights sleep for both of us.

We had a message on Monday to say that the over 60's Christmas lunch will be delivered to us between 12 noon and 1.30pm on Friday. So in the gloom there is light. Usually we go to the little chapel for Christmas lunch, its very well attended and marks the opening of the Christmas period in the village. We missed out on the summer tea and harvest supper, so it was a surprise to learn that the lunch is to go ahead in a different form. The trustee at the chapel is very resourceful. We can look forward to an excellent lunch.

I did get one of the book cushions done yesterday, I have the bits cut out for the second one, need to embroider the pocket and then put it together. I am waiting for more fabric to come for Niblets 'blanket'. He enquired about it at the weekend. I am going to make it lap quilt size. If he is lucky he will get it for his birthday in March, but I will need to get on with it. I have to find some toning fabric and also backing, which will not be easy in the present circumstances. I may well go with cotton sheeting for the backing. Still have not made up my mind re design.

Haircut tomorrow lunchtime, its curling again, well past its normal length. 

DB has now started washing dishes, just breakfast and lunch when there are not so many. I usually wash up as I go along at supper time, so he just dries the plates and sets the table for breakfast. He is chomping at the bit to get out in the garden, am not letting him out except to walk up round the garden. Anxious he does not get cold. 

I have salmon in the oven poaching for our supper tonight with salad, I will make some potato salad to go with it. Possibly chocolate pudding for dessert. we will see.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Its freezing

DB tells me its zero outside, it can stay at zero, I do not need to go out today!!

We had another bad night last night, so late getting up, plus it was warm and cosy in bed despite DB snoring!!

It was great having my cleaner back yesterday, the house is nice and clean. I just have to put the steamer on the hall and living room carpets, There are a few spots on the carpet by DB's chair and a definite 'path' to the front and kitchen doors, its more pronounced when the lights are on.

I had another disaster last night, forgot I had put the beans on to have with the egg and chips, they welded themselves to the bottom of the pan!! Took ages to clean off even using bio wash powder.

I need to get into the sewing room and at least have a bash at Niblets story cushion, see how it works, then I can also do the one for Little Miss.

Aldi shopping was fine except I forgot to order any veg, I have carrots and frozen peas and also a bag of frozen cauli and calebrese, so will be using them up.

Load of laundry in the machine, I did the bed linen yesterday, just have to press the pillow cases, I dried it in the dryer so it did not get too creased.

DB is gradually picking up his 'little jobs' which is very helpful.

Supper tonight, beef and bean casserole with dumpling and veg.


Monday, December 7, 2020

First Snow, now fog

The overnight frost had lifted by the time we got up, only to be replaced by fog. A very slow journey into Melton.

I had a disaster, the photo frame I bought was the wrong size, so I ventured into Wilkinson and changed it, unlocking the car it fell out of my hands and the glass broke, the air was purple. I will have to get a piece of glass to replace it.

Driving out of the car park I saw Little Miss's mum and dad, so stopped to have a quick word before driving on to Aldi. Had to wait a few minutes for the chap to some out, a couple of things were not available, but no problem, they were extra's any way.

The journey home was a little better, my cleaner helped to carry the bags in and DB and I put the stuff away. So the freezer and fridge are looking a bit fuller thank you.

We sat up late last night watching the snooker, so both a bit weary this morning. 

I need to spend at least 2 days in the sewing room, two book pillows to be made, Christmas is looming on the horizon, but not today.

Soup and toast for lunch. DB requested egg, chips and baked beans tonight.

Sunday, December 6, 2020


Bright and cold, not as much blue sky as there was yesterday, but we do not appear to have a frost, hope for the same tonight, I have to go into Melton to collect an order from Aldi. To do this I have to go up and down the hill which was my skid pan 2 years ago. If there is nothing coming I can at least try and stick to the middle of the road round the bends!!

No plans for today, we were late waking up, so a late lie in and breakfast, we will have a light lunch and I will cook the supper for around 4.30pm. A bit earlier.

DB has started picking up some of his little jobs, he washed and dried the breakfast pots, I am still doing most of the supper pots that involve saucepans etc.

Roast pork, veggies and the last of the jelly for supper tonight.

Saturday, December 5, 2020


Looking out of the bedroom window this morning, the snow has gone, it turned to rain late last night, and we have a bright, but cold, morning.

DB assures me that we have no frost or snow warnings, after my spectacular skid two years ago I was concerned that I would not get to Melton to collect my order from Aldi on Monday. We have hills all around us and traffic was having problems yesterday. One road was completely blocked with a jack knifed lorry.

I hope to get started on the book pillow at some point today. DB is starting to pick up some of the little jobs he used to do. Fingers crossed he is doing very well.

Supper tonight is on the back burner, I have 2 ready meals in the freezer we may well have those.


Friday, December 4, 2020

It continues

 Rain continued all day yesterday, this morning it is sleet, I understand that parts of the south east has snow. Thankfully we are warm and comfy here. have the lamp on in the sitting room its so murky.

Nothing mind boggling happened yesterday, just got fed up with a dark and dismal day. I did manage to finish the snowflakes without any further drama, although the bobbin thread did run out at one point.

E mail from Escape to the Chateau, their Christmas celebrations are to be shown on channel 4 on Christmas day at 8.10pm. I have not heard from Angel that the parcel has arrived, should get there by next weekend, fingers crossed.

I need to have a bit of a clear up in the sewing room and then tackle GGsons reading pillow. I also need to think about the quilt he has asked me to make, in his words 'he is a big boy now' and his great nanny blanket is a bit small, does not cover his feet!!

We had frittata and salad for supper, the raspberry jelly I made had not set, so DB had an orange and I had grapes for dessert. I checked the jelly this morning and it has set, so thats for dessert with some custard after our Friday fish and chips.

Update: We have snow and its settling.......wonderful- not!! reminds me of the cottage 10 years ago, hope it does not end up like that!!

These photos of the front and back garden were taken at lunchtime today.

And we shall have snow....... back garden.

And we have snow, the front of the bungalow.

Warnings out on Facebook, the roads are very dangerous, several vehicles have come to grief on the road I had my skid on 2 years ago.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

A dull winters day

Very dull and wet, but at least we do not have snow!!

DB had two consultations over the phone with Drs yesterday, they are going to review his tracings from his pacemaker, the consultant does not think that he is having palpitations as they do not show on his PM we are waiting. He also cancelled his appointment next week for his EEG, not happy travelling into Leicester as we are in tier3 and also at risk.

I managed to mess up a lace snowflake so had to re do it, have one more to do today. It will take me about 45 minutes. I could do it quicker if I speeded up the machine, but sometimes if the machine is going really fast it can  mess up.

Last nights beef and bean casserole we very nice, enough left for another meal, so its in the freezer. I also saved the excess gravy to use when we have sausage and mash.

Tonight will have frittata and salad will look at making a crumble or raspberry jelly.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

day 1 of a new lockdown

We have been in lockdown for 9 months of this year, how much longer. The rate in our local town has come down but we are linked because we are in Leicestershire to group 3.

Yesterdays sun and blue skies have disappeared, its raining what the Scots call smurr.....very fine rain which wets you through.

Does anyone remember this???

The cottage at East Linton 10 years ago today, we were snowed in for 5 weeks. The snow was 3ft deep at the front of the cottage.

DB had a couple of bouts of AF yesterday, it came and went, so he has a call in to the Dr to see if he should increase his medication.

I spent part of the time sewing embroidered free standing lace snowflakes for a display on our large window in the sitting room I also have some battery operated lights in one of the boxes I need to have a root through.

Hermes are at it again, parcel should have come yesterday, no sign of it.........we wait in anticipation.

Beef stew for supper tonight with mash and veggies. We had the jam sponge last night.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Day 27

A lovely bright sunny morning, but its very brrr...... out, we had a frost overnight. DB will be putting his coat on and going for a walk round the garden.

We are almost out of the original lockdown and about to be plunged into another one, even though numbers are going down. Of course it is the season for big parties, but obviously not this year. I count myself very fortunate that by the time DB came out of hospital he was clear of the infection and I did not get it.

Christmas will be a case of alone at home, not that its much different from an ordinary day for us. I will cook a turkey breast roast which will do us for Christmas day and a cold collation on Boxing day. Hopefully the mobile library will come next week so we will have books to read. I am also going to tape a couple of films to watch as well.

Chiropodist due this morning, our feet are in need of some care right now, my hair also needs a trim if I can get an appointment, not sure if the hairdresser will be able to open as we are in tier 3.

Supper tonight, quiche and salad, we still have the teo sponge puddings to eat, may be tonight.