We had a frost overnight, snow had been forecast but appears to have disappeared, glad about that. I have a grocery order to collect on Thursday.
I have prepped the veg for supper, also have a leg of pork joint in the combi cooking, it will be easier to slice if its cold. I can then put it in foil on top of the veg. Going to make a crumble from the apple I have left and some more blackberries. Thats supper sorted.
No sewing today, I have a block to unpick and shave a tiny bit off the embroidered block, I can stretch it a bit but not much. I then have to concentrate on the last of the blocks with the embroidered centres, making up the rest should not be too bad, just hope I have enough material........ I saw some fabric the other week with footballers on, wish I had bought it, football is Niblets second favourite, although his Dad plays or rather played rugby.
So a book to finish today and another one to start, then have a bit of a gap for the books on my tablet. The mobile library is due tomorrow, if it comes........I finished all those books in the week. I like to have a couple of books on my tablet, it means if I cannot sleep I can read and not wake DB up. He had palps again on Friday, but at last he is just taking things as they come, got to be a result!! Just have to wait for the results of the phone test he has a couple of weeks ago.